- AMO CHARITABLE FOUNDATION mission is to change the way the world tackles poverty by understands their needs and wants and helping to them.
- AMO CHARITABLE FOUNDATION invest patient, long-term capital in innovative and sustainable start-ups that deliver critical goods and services to the world's poor.
Together we build a carrying community with
- Self sufficiency
- Dignity
- Harmony
- Happiness.
To provide quality social welfare servics to enable them to meet life's challenges. As, providing clothing, shelter and educational facility etc. to them.
To promote loving, family oriented environment for orphans, where they can easily live the life of dignity, love,safety and security.
To promote social and family responsibilities.
- For Welfare Organisations
To promote synergy conductive to efficient and effective service delivery.
We will always be sensitive to people's needs and provide timely services with respect, fairness and confidentiality, to providing nutritious meals to the poor and needy people.
We will strive to understand and to be understood the needs of poor people, old age people and orphans.
We will continuously strive for excellence in our responsibilities towards society. we will donate groceries to needy people which can help them in end of the hunger.